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Showing posts from June, 2020

Fat hen!

We seem to be constantly 'weeding' at the moment. Someone told me once that a 'weed' is a plant growing in a place you don't want it to grow. I have a number of potato plants that fit that description which keep popping up in the leeks and onions. I struggle with the word 'weed' (at least, insofar as it is used in a negative manner) for that very reason... When we 'weed' I am always on the look out for edibles. It might be growing in an unhelpful place, but that doesn't stop some plants being delicious - including fat hen (also called lamb's quarters). Scientific name : Chenopodium album When to see : April - October Grows : seemingly everywhere. Parks, waste ground, hedgerows, roadsides, my allotment... Height : up to about 50cm How to identify : The leaves are distinctive in shape with a silvery sheen - if you look closely these are wax-like crystals that repel water. Further identification help from Wild Food UK Lookalikes :